What is the most important
thing in your life?
Almost everyone has a different answer to the question of what is important in
life. Some people may say that the most important thing in their life is their
family, friends, happiness, or good health. There may even be some people who
would say that sports, money, or a career is the most important thing in their
life. I am sure that you have your own answer as well. There are many responses
that people can give to this question because we are all different and none of
us are exactly alike. We each have different priorities and goals in life.
there one right answer to this question concerning what is important in life? Do we all share a common reason to live?
Before we can answer the question concerning what is important in life, we must
first look at how we came to be. If we start at the beginning of mankind's
history, then the words of Genesis which is the first book of the Bible might
provide some insight.
the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
God said, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.”
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God, he created him; male
and female he created them. Genesis 1:26-28
other words, God made us. I will not debate whether he just created us
instantly as we are today or whether he created us through an evolutionary
means. What is important is that he made
us. We did not just happen along. God is
the creator. The story in Genesis also tells us about the story of Adam and
Eve. Whether the story is literal or figurative is debatable among many
theologians, but the important point is the message of having the knowledge of
created man and woman. He placed them in the garden of Eden where everything
was wonderful. Mankind was placed in paradise where there was plenty of food, a
warm climate, and gentle animals. There
were few if any worries, because there was nothing to really worry about. There
was however one rule.
commanded the man, saying you are free to eat from any tree of the garden; but
you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you
eat of it you will surely die. Genesis
God created a paradise for man where there
were no big problems, no real worries, no hunger, no need for money, no
sickness, no pain, no sorrow, no war, ...
no death...just life. It appears
that mankind had no major decisions to make because there was nothing to really
decide. Everything was the same. There were no changes, no challenges, no goals
and no decisions. There was no right because there was no wrong. There was no
free will because there was no choice, except one...the choice was to eat of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
As you know mankind
ate from the tree, thus making the decision to learn and acquire the knowledge
of good and evil. Some people may say that man chose to break away from God and
that was wrong. But perhaps that was God's plan, that we have to learn for
ourselves and make our own decisions. Just as a baby lives inside it's mother
for nine months, there comes a time of birth when the baby leaves it's mother
and is born in to a new world. The baby can not live inside it's mother
forever, just as we were not meant to always live in the garden of Eden. The
baby must be born to live, to learn to crawl, to walk, to run, to play, to make
choices, to love, to experience happiness, and to live a full life. After leaving the garden of Eden we were born
in to this life of choice. When the baby is born it does leave it's mother in
one sense, but in another way it can still be with it's mother. Since the
mother no longer carries the baby inside her, the mother and the baby can now
experience a new relationship. The
mother can now hold the baby, feed the baby, talk to the baby, and help the
baby grew and develop.
We can also have
a special relationship with God even though we do not live in the garden of
Eden or in paradise. We are in a world
of choice. We are given the knowledge to
choose between good and evil, between right and wrong, between choosing God or
not choosing God in our life.
This leads us to
more questions. Has God left us to be on our own? Is God watching over us? If God is with us, why do bad things happen?
Why doesn't our heavenly father protect his children or does he? Perhaps these
questions can best be answered from a father's point of view. After all God is
our Heavenly Father and we are his children. Many of us are also fathers and
mothers And perhaps this viewpoint can
help us understand our relationship with God.
Do you remember
when you were about five years old and learning to ride a bike? Well when my
son, Keith was at that age of five and he was learning to ride a bike without
training wheels. As you may remember it is an exciting time in a five year old
child’s life when he can balance a two-wheel bike and ride by himself. After I
had removed the training wheels from his bike, I would run along side of him as
he rode and I would hold the bike so that he would not fall down. Keith really
enjoyed riding but he could not ride too far, because after awhile I would get
tired from running along side of him. But each time that he rode his bike I
would let go just a little bit more each time. Then finally it was time for me
to let go completely and let Keith ride by himself. I let go of the bike and
watched Keith riding by himself. I clapped my hands to congratulate and
encourage him. He was so proud to be riding by himself. After a few moments he
started to wobble a little and then he put out his feet and stopped. I
congratulated him again and gave him a hug. We were both happy about his
accomplishment. Then Keith wanted to ride again. So I helped him get started
and he began to ride by himself. But after a few moments the bike wobbled and
Keith fell down. He began to cry because he had scraped his hand. I ran over to
him. Do you know what he said to me? He said, "Dad, why did you make me fall down?" I said," Keith, I didn't make you fall down, you fell down by
yourself." Then he said, "
Dad, why did you let me fall down."
Why did I let
Keith fall down? Maybe I should not have let go of the bike. But sooner or
later I would have to let go otherwise I would always have to run along side of
his bike when ever he rode. I just could not see my self running along side of
my son's bike when he was fifteen and riding to school. I could not be with him
all the time. There would have to be a time when I had to let go so that he
would learn to ride by himself. There would also come a time while he was
riding that he would probably fall down.
Sometimes you have to fall down a few times before you can learn to ride by
This bicycle
story can be an analogy for each of us in our relationship with God. God may
run along side of us as we ride through life, but there comes a time when he
must let us learn to ride by ourselves. If God always held on to our bike or
kept us in the garden of Eden, then we may never really learn or choose. We
would never be born in to a life of choice.
Some of us may
learn to ride a bike very easily, while other people may have a harder time. We
are all different and no one learns exactly in the same way as another person.
But we must learn and grow. We may have
to fall down many times before we are able to ride a bike or ride through life.
But do not be discouraged, the rewards of learning to ride are great. This world is our childhood in which we are
to learn. We learn about good and evil...about right and wrong. It is our
life that is given to us to experience. We may be riding by ourselves and we
may fall down, but is God near?
My youngest son,
Christopher has asked me where is God? Since I am a pilot and spend many hours
flying in the air, he asked me if I ever see God up in the sky or do I ever
"run into him" up in the sky while I am flying. At first I was
tempted just to tell him that God is much higher in the sky then airplanes can
fly. But Christopher is very good at asking more questions if he does not like
the first answer that I give to him. So I knew he could then ask how much
higher in the sky is God. Should I tell him that God is way above the clouds or
past the moon or out among the stars? There was another problem with putting
God too high in the sky. How would he hear prays if he is high in the heavens
and we are far below on Earth? Where is
God and is he near by watching us?
Perhaps that
question can best be answered if we think back to our early days in Sunday
school when we learn that God is in three persons‑the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is the creator
of all that is and the Son is Jesus Christ. But who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God in us, if
we ask him to be with us. The
answer to my son's question concerning where is God is that God, the Holy
Spirit, is in us. We are not alone if we ask God to be with us. The way to
receiving the Holy Spirit is found in the Gospel of Luke.
Ask and it shall be given
to you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you… Your
Heavenly Father shall give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. Luke
In other words we may be riding alone to learn
about life, but we are not really alone if we ask for the Holy Spirit and
accept the Lord. The Lord is here. He is with us and watching but we must also
learn to ride through life on our own. God does not manipulate our lives but
instead shares our lives.
In summary, we
know that God created us. We are his children. We were born in to a life of
choice to live and learn. We make decisions and sometimes we fall down, but we
are not riding through life alone. The
Holy Spirit is with us if we only ask God to enter our lives.
So what is it
that we are to learn and what are we to do? What is important in life? In
Matthew 22:37, Jesus is asked which is
the greatest commandment in the law. Jesus replied that you shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and
foremost commandment. The second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
We are God's
children and he is with us if we ask him. We are all tied together through God.
There is a bond between us. But yet we have different experiences and different
lives. After all it would be very boring if we were all alike in every way. If
we all looked alike and we all did exactly the same thing. In this world we are
all different. Some of us are tall and some are short, some poor and some rich,
some sick and some healthy, some happy and some sad. This is the world of
choice and challenge. We will each learn to ride through life in many different
ways, but remember that we are also tied
together through God. We are all as
one. We are truly all brothers and sisters. The Holy Spirit is with us. God
is with us now. We are not alone. We
have God and we have each other.
Face the choices
and challenges ahead boldly. Live and
experience life to it's fullest. We should not be afraid or worry. We have
been given life so that we may learn to
love. We are to love God and to love
one another. When we love another, we are loving God as well.
We are here to live, to learn, and to
Sermon given
June 25,